Refund Policy

Refund Policy

  1. No Refunds, Exchanges, or Store Credits

    All products, once purchased and downloaded, are non-refundable. Additionally, we do not provide refunds, exchanges, or store credits in the following situations:

    • You no longer need the purchased product.
    • You cannot use the product due to hardware or software limitations (i.e., you do not own compatible software for the product).
    • You have changed your mind or found an alternative product.
    • You made an incorrect product selection (i.e., purchased and downloaded the wrong product).
    • We do not guarantee product use with cracked or illegally downloaded software.
    • You cannot use the product due to insufficient knowledge or know-how.

    Please make informed purchases, as mistakes cannot be considered reasons for refunds, exchanges, or store credits. Be sure to listen to the demos, read the product descriptions, and review software requirements carefully before making a purchase.

    Each product is clearly labeled with its content and software requirements. The customer is responsible for having the necessary knowledge to use the product.

  2. Exemptions

    Refunds may be considered under the following circumstances:

    • Duplicate Purchases: We are happy to issue a refund or a store credit for duplicate purchases. Please provide evidence of the duplicate purchase.
    • Undownloaded Files: We are happy to issue a refund if our system has not registered a download – i.e., you have not attempted a download by clicking on the download link issued to you.
  3. Refund Request Process

    To request a refund under the exemptions mentioned above, please contact our customer support at within 30 days from the date of purchase (found in your Order Confirmation Email). Provide detailed information about the issue, including your order number, the name of the product, and a description of the problem.

    *A download counts as such when a download action is commenced (not completed). We do not monitor the completion of the download. Each click on the download link counts as one download attempt.